Ban plastic bags in AlbertaRight now, Canadians are using over 9 BILLION plastic bags every year - that's enough bags to circle the Earth more than 55 times. [1] We need to ban plastic bags now! Plastic in our oceans is having devastating effects on marine life, and plastic bags that break down into microplastics are making their way into the fish and shellfish that we eat, and the water that we drink. [2][3][4] The Province of PEI have introduced a Plastic Bag Reduction Act which would work in phases to eventually eliminate single-use plastic bags from shops — encouraging them to use paper and cloth bags instead. It's time for every other province in Canada to do the same. [5] If we don't take action to cut down our plastic waste, by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.[6] Sign the petition now, and demand that plastic bags be banned. _____________________________________________________________________ [1]https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-ban-on-single-use-plastic-shopping-bags-to-begin-in-july-1.3726946 [2]http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/microplastics-fish-shellfish-1.3954947 [3] http://nationalpost.com/health/global-study-finds-microplastics-in-93-of-bottled-water-but-little-known-about-effect-on-humans [4]http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/09/06/world-tap-water-plastic_a_23199390/ [5] https://globalnews.ca/news/3940536/no-more-plastic-bags-in-montreal-first-major-canadian-city-to-implement-ban/ [6] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_The_New_Plastics_Economy.pdf1,083 of 2,000 Signatures
Ban plastic bags in Newfoundland and LabradorRight now, Canadians are using over 9 BILLION plastic bags every year - that's enough bags to circle the Earth more than 55 times. [1] We need to ban plastic bags now! Plastic in our oceans is having devastating effects on marine life, and plastic bags that break down into microplastics are making their way into the fish and shellfish that we eat, and the water that we drink. [2][3][4] The Province of PEI have introduced a Plastic Bag Reduction Act which would work in phases to eventually eliminate single-use plastic bags from shops — encouraging them to use paper and cloth bags instead. It's time for every other province in Canada to do the same. [5] If we don't take action to cut down our plastic waste, by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.[6] Sign the petition now, and demand that plastic bags be banned. _____________________________________________________________________ [1]https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-ban-on-single-use-plastic-shopping-bags-to-begin-in-july-1.3726946 [2]http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/microplastics-fish-shellfish-1.3954947 [3] http://nationalpost.com/health/global-study-finds-microplastics-in-93-of-bottled-water-but-little-known-about-effect-on-humans [4]http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/09/06/world-tap-water-plastic_a_23199390/ [5] https://globalnews.ca/news/3940536/no-more-plastic-bags-in-montreal-first-major-canadian-city-to-implement-ban/ [6] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_The_New_Plastics_Economy.pdf81 of 100 Signatures
Ban plastic bags in Nova ScotiaRight now, Canadians are using over 9 BILLION plastic bags every year - that's enough bags to circle the Earth more than 55 times. [1] We need to ban plastic bags now! Plastic in our oceans is having devastating effects on marine life, and plastic bags that break down into microplastics are making their way into the fish and shellfish that we eat, and the water that we drink. [2][3][4] The Province of PEI have introduced a Plastic Bag Reduction Act which would work in phases to eventually eliminate single-use plastic bags from shops — encouraging them to use paper and cloth bags instead. It's time for every other province in Canada to do the same. [5] If we don't take action to cut down our plastic waste, by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.[6] Sign the petition now, and demand that plastic bags be banned. _____________________________________________________________________ [1]https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-ban-on-single-use-plastic-shopping-bags-to-begin-in-july-1.3726946 [2]http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/microplastics-fish-shellfish-1.3954947 [3] http://nationalpost.com/health/global-study-finds-microplastics-in-93-of-bottled-water-but-little-known-about-effect-on-humans [4]http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/09/06/world-tap-water-plastic_a_23199390/ [5] https://globalnews.ca/news/3940536/no-more-plastic-bags-in-montreal-first-major-canadian-city-to-implement-ban/ [6] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_The_New_Plastics_Economy.pdf493 of 500 Signatures
Coldwater Couple vs. Kinder MorganThis is important because if this dilbit pipeline/tanker project is allowed to proceed it will inevitably ruin B.C.'s environment and economy in the event of another catastrophic oil spill similar to the Exxon Valdez in Alaska, Kalamazoo River in Michigan, RedDeer River in Alberta, North Saskatchewan River, and many more across the globe. The photographs of crude oil-covered sea birds and mammals should be enough to make anyone want to do something to stop this madness.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Virginia Smith
Raise Disability Rates And End Clawbacks In British ColumbiaThe disabled have been neglected for far to long here in BC and have suffered terrible cruelty by those who should be protecting and encouraging them. Every month those on assistance face the issue of what is a priority, be it enough food for the month or paying for a need they can't afford doing all with the funds they receive, this is just wrong. So many on assistance suffer from mental health issues such as depression or PTSD after years of abuse both physical and mental and yet they struggle to face their days and those challenges in them with very little support from government, media bodies, human rights tribunals and even the courts. There is lots of talk of poverty reduction but very little in the way of walk in regard to it. The cost of doing nothing out ways the cost of doing something, let us bring change for a better BC that includes all it's citizens.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dan de Lench
Affordable High Speed Passenger Trains in CanadaAir travel is by far the worst contributor of CO2 of all the transportation systems. Air travel must be limited and train travel encouraged.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Reg Quiring
Protect Chinatown from real estate speculation. Demand a public hearing now!Vancouver City Council delayed their decision to refer the new Chinatown zoning policies to public hearing by three weeks and will be reconsidering the referral on June 5. If the new policies do not get referred to public hearing, this means they will die on the vine and Chinatown will be continue to be open season for real estate developers and speculators. A newly formed group call "Chinatown Voices" made up of developers and property owners, like 105 Keefer's Beedie, are trying to derail the public hearing process and stop the necessary zoning protections for Chinatown. They already managed to get City Council to delay the referral for public hearing by three weeks. We can't let them win again. --- Why are the new zoning policies important? The new Chinatown zoning policies contains new policies that will potentially help alleviate the intense real estate pressures and protect the historic built character of the neighbourhood. If some of these measures to do not get put in place as soon as possible, the door is wide open for more proposals similar to the 105 Keefer rezoning and make it impossible for us to move forward with a UNESCO bid to designate Chinatown as a World Heritage Site. Major policy improvements include: - Rescinding of rezoning policy that allowed for higher heights (so we don't get another 105 Keefer proposal) - Restoration of the historic heights of the neighbourhood - Addition of density, site width, and retail width limits that were never in place before Full report here: http://council.vancouver.ca/20180515/documents/p8.pdf Although the zoning policies can have even stronger protections that what the City has currently proposed, we need to first get the new policies to public hearing to stop more 105 Keefer's from getting into the City development application process as soon as possible. --- How can you help? 1. Sign this petition to urge City Council to refer the new Chinatown zoning policies to public hearing. 2. Share it with you friends and family to sign. The more people, the more pressure. We need to outnumber the "Chinatown Voices" group. 3. Subscribe to the #SaveChinatownYVR mailing list to keep updated on the next steps of this campaign: http://www.savechinatownheritage.org/join-mailing-list We can do this!32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Save Chinatown YVR
Call on Trudeau to condemn the massacre in GazaThis year marks the 70th anniversary of the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians during the creation of Israel. [3] Around 70% of Gaza's population of two million are descendants of Palestinians who became refugees in 1948. [4] Gaza has been referred by human rights organizations as the world's largest open air prison. They have lived under a 50 year occupation and a decade long land, sea and air blockade that prevents anyone from leaving. [5] This is why many Gazans are protesting. Since March 30, the Israeli army has killed over a 100 people and injured more than 12,000. [6] These demonstrations are peaceful and pose no threat to Israel's security. Sources: [1-3] https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2018/may/15/gaza-israel-nakba-day-protests-as-palestinians-bury-those-killed-in-embassy-unrest-live-updates [2] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/05/14/palestinians-killed-israeli-troops-gaza-protests-ahead-us-embassy/ [4] https://www.nrc.no/news/2018/april/gaza-the-worlds-largest-open-air-prison/ [5-6] https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/world-palestinians-mourn-killing-loved-180516114817349.html10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Tetrault
Demande d’audiences publiques pour le projet Authier à La MotteLe projet Authier est un projet de mine de lithium à ciel ouvert développé par la compagnie australienne Sayona Mining à La Motte, en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. La fosse prévue par le projet, qui ferait plus d’un kilomètre de longueur, serait située à moins de 500 mètres de l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry, source d’une eau potable d’une pureté à la réputation internationale. De par sa proximité avec l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry, le projet développé par la minière Sayona soulève des inquiétudes dans la région. Compte tenu de la décision de Sayona Mining de n’exploiter que 1900 tonnes et non 2000 par jour, ce qui la soustrait à l’obligation de se soumettre à la procédure d’évaluation et d’examen des impacts sur l’environnement, nous désirons nous assurer que les citoyens puissent juger du projet au terme d’un processus transparent et indépendant. Nous demandons ainsi à ce que le projet Authier soit soumis à une enquête et des audiences publiques du Bureau d’Audience Publique sur l’Environnement. De plus, nous demandons à ce que des études indépendantes sur le projet Authier soient réalisées dans les plus brefs délais. *** Le Comité Citoyen de Protection de l’Esker a été fondé au printemps 2018 par des citoyen-ne-s de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue préoccupées par le projet de mine de lithium Authier à La Motte, de la compagnie australienne Sayona Mining, dont la fosse serait située à 500 mètres de l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry.32,072 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Comité citoyen de protection de l'esker
Loblaws: Pay your workers a living wageLoblaw Companies Ltd owns hundreds of grocery stores across the country: their stores include Loblaws Market, Real Canadian Superstore, No Frills, Shoppers Drugmart, Loblaws Market, Joe Fresh and more. Last year Loblaws enjoyed $11 Billion in revenue and gave $19 Million to their shareholders in the last quarter alone. [1] In 2016 CEO Galen Weston took home $7.5 Million. [2] It takes Galen Weston just one day to earn the annual salary of a starting cashier at one if his stores, while the the people who work for Loblaws are struggling to make ends meet making minimum wage, and are often only given part time work. [3] Vancity Investment Management Ltd. submitted a shareholder proposal at Loblaw’s annual general meeting of shareholders on Thursday asking them to review the feasibility, cost and benefits of implementing a living wage policy for their employees -- but CEO Galen Weston and Loblaw’s board of directors told shareholders to vote against it and the proposal was rejected. [4] Loblaws touts their high level of social responsibility with their President's Choice Children's Charity that gives "support to children with disabilities [and ensures] hungry tummies are filled with nutritious food" but their own employees' children are suffering. [5] Loblaws should be a leader. Canadians should not stand for this and protest with their dollars until they turn their greedy ship around. Sign the petition now if you think Loblaws should pay the people who work for them a living wage. Sources: [1]https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/loblaw-reports-2017-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-year-ended-december-30-2017-results1-674813803.html [2]https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National%20Office/2018/01/Climbing%20Up%20and%20Kicking%20Down.pdf) [3]https://ca.indeed.com/cmp/Loblaw/jobs/Cashier-59274c43308a7674?vjs=3 [4]https://www.thestar.com/business/2018/05/03/loblaw-shareholders-reject-proposal-on-living-wage-for-employees.html [5] http://www.presidentschoice.ca/en_CA/community/pccc/do-it-all-again.html15,650 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Erin Kastner
I support the University of Alberta's right to award David Suzuki an Honorary DegreeThe University of Alberta has awarded David Suzuki an honorary degree in celebration of his impressive contribution to environmental awareness and literacy in Canada. Now, the institution is facing politically-inspired backlash from faculty, alumni, and conservative politicians. This backlash began with an overblown message from the University of Alberta Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Fraser Forbes, who called the honorary degree a “betrayal” and the “worst crisis… that we’ve faced in more than three decades.”[1] Forbes’ message inspired a number of conservative politicians including Jason Kenney and Matt Jeneroux to publicly protest the honorary degree, and even prompted a law firm to revoke its funding to the U of A. [2] In reality, offering Dr. Suzuki an honorary degree does not represent a betrayal by the university, but rather the banal recognition of a long-time academic, environmentalist, and media figure in Canada. Dr. Suzuki is a respected academic and broadcaster whose career spans over 40 years (his broadcast career began at the University of Alberta, where, as a professor, he appeared in science segments on campus television). Dr. Suzuki has published 52 books, and is the recipient of a number of major awards, including the Order of Canada. Dr. Suzuki has been awarded honorary degrees from dozens of universities and colleges, including the University of Calgary, Queen’s University, and many other Canadian post-secondary institutions. Critics like Forbes, Kenney, and others are protesting the University of Alberta’s decision for no other reason that he disagrees with them on the state and future of oil and gas activity in the province. They have not only relied on hyperbole to exaggerate the significance of awarding Dr. Suzuki an honorary degree, but are using their positions of influence and money to stifle opinions they disagree with. These actions reveal what these individuals — which includes a current dean at the University of Alberta — believe the university should be: a reflection of themselves in both appearance and intellectual thought. Sign the petition now if you agree that the U of A has the right to award an honorary degree to Dr. Suzuki for his historical links with the university and significant contribution to Canadian society. - Richie Assaly, Avnish Nanda, and Amy Sanderson [1] University defends its decision to award honorary degree to David Suzuki https://twitter.com/i/moments/988887038500966417 [2] Message from Fraser Forbes: https://www.ualberta.ca/engineering/news/2018/april/message-from-fraser-forbes2,091 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Richie A.
Ontario: provide funding to rebuild the municipality of LeamingtonLeamington was just hit by the worst storm in decades. Unprecedented flooding swept away roads, 14-foot-high waves knocked over trees, gutted homes and caused record damage. [1] Our community is reeling. Residents are facing tens of thousands of dollars in property damage and the city will need to fix its infrastructure. We need financial support from the provincial government to rebuild, prevent future destruction and keep us safe from fallout when the next storm hits. The mayor of Leamington is already asking for funding from Ontario, but a huge petition teeming with signatures backing him up could push decision makers over the edge and get them to provide funding. Especially now in this election cycle, when the Liberals are more susceptible to public pressure. All signs are pointing to more and more extreme weather systems, and Leamington needs to ready. Add your name to demand the provincial government provide funding to the municipality of Leamington as well as the residents affected by the storm to fix and prevent damage to our roads, homes and public spaces, and keep us safe, before another storm hits. Source: [1] http://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/leamington-residents-clean-up-after-extensive-flood-damage5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Nelems