• If Covid-19 doesn't get your attention, nothing will.
    Climate change isn't a mysterious force, it's a whole bunch of known forces happening all at once, more and more with no chance to recover. Literally death from a thousand cuts with billions of lives. Entire sectors are being wiped out, and what we need to realize is that there is no "after Corona Virus", there will be something else, and then something else on and on. When we say climate emergency, we mean act now. Acting now means rapidly shifting our economy. We don't have time to nickel and dime who gets helped and who doesn't. The super rich got us into this mess, and it's their turn to bail everyone else out for a change. Every Canadian deserves to not have to panic about money while the government makes the rapid changes necessary to shore up our health care and social services infrastructure, and shift our economy away from fossil fuels immediately without leaving anyone behind. We can see what terrible damage slashing social services and ignoring the warnings of experts can bring, and now we know that no one is safe from the consequences.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saryn Caister
  • We are here we are queer, but mostly we are humans to
    A lot of these at risk youth have already lived a life of trauma and fear for there own safety. Right now we have a safe space and resource centre and support system with active programming to empower them to have a better chance at being functioning citizens as well as many of them have fallen through the cracks of the system and haven’t been helped when they should have been
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Connor Sims
  • Unity Project
    The people at the bottom of society have all but been forgotten, the middle class needs both parents of the family to hold full time jobs in order to maintain that stature. Their children are left to be raised by strangers lacking the love and focussed required to nurture a wholesome human being. The wealthy add to their riches by investing in other business enterprise while little of the prosperity filters down.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heith Moonie
  • Getting Rid of CEO Bonus and entitlements
    Every year wages and poor working environments are created over what a CEO feels they deserves in the form of a bonus every year, when workers are the ones that assist in the wealth of a company not the CEO.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Corey Phipps
  • Father of four
    This is important because once he’s deported I will be a single mother of 4. I won’t be able to support my family as my common law partner works two jobs to help support our family. My children are suffering because they have never been a part from their father.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimesha Mills
  • Reclassify Doug Ford's job as part-time with no benefits
    This is a petition to change Doug Ford's job as Premier of Ontario to a 'part-time' position. He shut down Ontario Parliament for an unprecedented 4 ½ -month summer break. Winter break is another 2 months so it would appear he can do his job by working less than half the year in the legislature. As he is not working enough hours in the legislature to be considered full-time, his job as Premier should be reclassified as part-time with no benefits and no pension. This fits with Ford’s desire for improvements to government efficiency. Ford should lead by example on efficiency. It is an unbearable hypocrisy if a leader promotes efficiency but does not start by making his own job more efficient, and then make his cabinet and inner circle more efficient. Ford was elected to govern Ontario, not be a campaign poster boy or campaign worker for the federal election. Is it a form of theft to take a full-time salary as Premier but spend months on side projects for organizations external to Ontario? If you would like the job of Premier of Ontario during the Doug Ford regime to be reclassified as a part-time position without benefits or pension, please sign this petition.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry James
  • Democracies for Serenity
    DICTATORIAL corporations are dictatorial because of the dictation of the boards directors of majority shareholders. DEMOCRATIC equally owned enterprises are democratic because of the equal ownership of the enterprise by the workers-owners having equal voting in governance, equal receipt of profits and the worker-owners setting of the wages. Competition between dictatorships and democracies would obtain superior results to legislating the least desired kind of organization out of existence. Whichever that might be. With democratic firms competing with dictatorial firms the wages of corporations would match the wages of equally owned enterprises, lack of profit and governance would be compensated for or corporate profit would be shared and participation in corporate governance allowed. This would be an ending to gross enormous inequality in corporations, the beginning of the serenity of the populace and the inclusion of all in the economy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lawrence Welsh
  • Ask Chrystia Freeland to Condemn President Bolsonaro's Destruction of the Amazon
    The Amazon Rainforest stands to make "a significant contribution to pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Coe [Earth Systems Scientist] likens it not to a pair of lungs, but to a giant air conditioner that cools the planet—one of our most powerful in mitigating climate change, alongside other tropical forests in central Africa and Asia—some of which are also currently burning" (for a more accurate look at the role of the Amazon: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/why-amazon-doesnt-produce-20-percent-worlds-oxygen/). Its loss, together with our lack of political will to stop carbon emissions and the absence of means to capture carbon effectively are posing a severe threat to people worldwide. Importantly, about one million Indigenous people live in the Amazon. It is also home to three million species of plants and animals (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-49433437). These fires are material and deadly. And their frequency is spurred by Bolsonaro's policies, which have accelerated deforestation, up 88% (https://globalnews.ca/news/5794191/amazon-rainforest-fire-explained/), due to farming, logging, and drilling. "The National Institute for Space Research (INPE) has recorded more than 74,000 fires so far this year [in the Amazon] – an 84 per cent increase on the same period in 2018. It’s the highest number since records began in 2013." (https://globalnews.ca/news/5794191/amazon-rainforest-fire-explained/). Take a deep breath and imagine smoke filling your lungs on a darkened afternoon, just as residents of São Paulo did at 3 p.m. Monday, August 19.
    758 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Climate Pledge Collective Picture
  • Weird Al: Please play "Hardware Store" in Toronto
    According to an article I found on the internet, Weird Al has never played "Hardware Store" live because of how intensely fast and complicated the song is. But Toronto loves Weird Al, and we can't imagine a better place for him to debut the song live. We'll be very forgiving of any mistakes - we just want to support him and sing along as best we can! Weird Al, please make history by playing Hardware Store in Toronto at your next show!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Ellis
  • Develop a youth political party for next election
    Quite simply, the issues faced that are at a crisis point have been overlooked and ignored by the mainstream, corporate juggernaut; need the people without cynicism and broken,disillusioned hope that what we say is what we'll do...they are ready; look around the world, Quebec, Friday protests, use of social media...it needs to happen now
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryce Wilson
  • 2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Green New Deal In Burlington
    So we can have life on planet earth
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Carter