• Protect heritage workmans cottages from development
    Workmans cottages should have a blanket protection in the City of Toronto as very few remain. Developers have taken advantage of too many loopholes provided by the city to destroy these historic homes. This would be a similar blanket protection that Montreal imposed for their "Shoebox homes" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/shoebox-bylaw-referendum-1.5076513 . The essence of the workman's cottage was to provide affordable housing, with land, to the lower working class which is still relevant and needed today, allowing three stories to be built from a one-story defeats the whole purpose of what these homes represented over a century ago, and is a strong historic icon that needs to be protect.
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Renee Degen
    Many people including public health experts, healthcare workers on the front line, workers who have worked non-stop throughout this entire pandemic, labour organizations, and more have been calling on paid sick leave since the start of the pandemic (and before), but it is not yet widely spread that a bill was put forward to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in early December 2020 to legislate paid sick leave. This bill, Bill 239, was put forward by MPP Peggy Sattler, and went through a first reading on December 8, 2020. The bill needs attention to ensure Ontario mandates paid sick leave for all workers. We cannot miss this opportunity to ensure this passes. The bill has to go through more readings by other Ontario MPPs, committee members, and be discussed before being moved forward into legislation (or failing). The public can provide further input in this process, like how the bill should be altered in any way to make it more protective of any person in Ontario providing any sort of labour to an employer in Ontario, including undocumented and temporary workers. You can email or call your local MPP and provide them with any important changes they should discuss in the process, and urge them to ensure that paid sick leave is passed into legislation. Paid sick leave should be mandatory, and in 2018 Premier Doug Ford removed the few protections that existed. This moment is of course especially urgent given the ongoing and escalating COVID-19 situation as we go into the end of the year and a provincial "lockdown". Numerous outbreaks are taking place at workplaces such as warehouses, and many of them are not included in the lockdown. Many nurses, physicians, and other healthcare workers are continually exposed to COVID-19, and are working between hospitals and Long-Term Care homes, are under-staffed and over-worked, and need to be ensured that they will have paid sick leave for their own protection, patients' protection, their loved ones, and for everyone else. This also applies for people working in grocery stores, pharmacies, schools, and all other labour and services that have just been symbolically applauded but absolutely not sufficiently compensated or protected. These government failures are allowing for growing hazardous working environments, and the failure to reinstate mandatory sick days already negates the purpose of a coherent public health response. People need to be able to stay home for their health, the health of others, and should not have to choose between income and health. The Ontario Financial Accountability Officer also confirmed this month that the Ontario government has $12 billion in contingency funds for COVID-19 spending. Paid sick leave is completely feasible by large employers, and can be supported by the government for small businesses. Paid sick leave is one of many steps that are necessary to respond to this pandemic, alongside an eviction ban, emergency income support, hospital surge funding, expanded testing and vaccination capacity, and more. https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-239 https://www.peggysattler.ca/paidsickdays
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rohini Patel
  • Upon Reaching Earnings Exemption Disability Assistance Should Fade Gradually
    We certainly are nowhere near rich if we're on PWD. A sudden deduction is felt by us in a powerful way. This drop in assistance is disorienting and problematic for people, especially who go just a modest amount over the limit and who do so at the end of the year, when the seasonality of things can also increase expenses and decrease work income. It can be really bad timing! Covid-19 just makes this all harder to deal with, too. Costs and expenses typically do not go down, but suddenly a PWD client can be without that extra money earned through their hard work, through their disability. In fact, the actual work might be continuing the same, but suddenly there is a loss in access to otherwise available resources. It's not a smooth transition for us. Things someone might buy with this extra income if it weren't clawed back: It could go toward a doctor recommended supplement which is not covered, toward a psych or physio therapy session which is not covered but does wonders for overall management of stress and health issues, toward a meaningful gift to a loved one at Christmas, or toward something otherwise out of reach but which afforded increases one's quality of life and health. Like mentioned, on PWD we are not rich, so these small amounts mean a lot to us.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brenden MacDonald Picture
  • Low Income Canadians Dinged by CERB need justice NOW!
    This is an INJUSTICE that affects the poorest of Canadians. While large corporations, including privately funded nursing homes where vulnerable Canadians have died, are being bailed out by your government the lowest income Canadians are being penalized and put in financial jeopardy - at no fault of their own. Please DO THE RIGHT THING, and correct this injustice. Ensure that the eligibility criteria for CERB is immediately clarified/corrected (for Revenue Canada and Service Canada) to be $5,000 income PERIOD -which means gross - just like advertised!
    749 of 800 Signatures
    Created by CJ Mellett
  • Stop CRA From Demanding Self-Employed Pay Back CERB
    As a self-employed business owner, I was out of work due to the lockdown for Covid-19 and I followed the rules for applying for CERB in order to not only survive, but to keep my business afloat because my landlord didn’t bother with the rent subsidy. I realize that there were many who may have accidentally applied, but we self-employed had no other option and now are being told we were not eligible all because the word “net” was inferred and not actually stated on the website or the automated recordings when filing by phone. This is going to further destroy many small businesses and their owners more than this pandemic already has. To reduce us below eligibility for net profits after our deductions is beyond unfair and seems as though the rules are being changed to benefit CRA and the economy.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Watts
  • Disabled Workers in Canada Seek Section 7 Charter Protection
    The purpose of the inquiry we request is to determine the extent of harms put upon injured, ill and/or disabled Canadians in provincial and territorial jurisdictions nationally. We raise these concerns to ensure as well our own full and fair redress in the form of workers compensation benefits as we are entitled to receive and rightly, legitimately deserve. We believe that only with a National investigation of provincial law, policy and regulations that govern provincial/territorial occupational health and safety can troubling issues be properly rectified. Those agencies and agents so empowered by law, policy and regulations have not responded to our direct engagement to address these issues with integrity. As these issues are of long-standing national concern, we assert that the concerns receive the attention that these matters require as it is in the National interests of all Canadians to do so.
    436 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Darren Gregory
  • BC's Economic Future
    After participating in a Narwhal (non-profit investigative journalism) online presentation, like hundreds of others, regarding Site C Dam, I have never heard of such engineering and economic illiteracy in my entire career. The predatory practices of SNC-Lavalin alone raises a red flag. In spite of the economic damage caused by the pandemic, decisions like Site C Dam will exacerbate the economy of Province of British Columbia for generations. The very first requirement for competing on the Global Stage is low-cost energy and associated infrastructure. Otherwise, there is no long-term job creation. Site C Dam is short-term construction jobs and long-term economic debt obligations, in a dying economy. Off-shore or out-of-province project workers don't even offer training for BC tradesman, let alone opportunities for First Nations' people. I won't even get into the environmental damage and the wide spectrum of remediation costs associated with such a callous and uninformed decision.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Bruce
  • Tell Loblaws: Reinstate "Hero Pay" For Frontline Workers
    The pandemic has laid bare exactly who the truly essential workers are. While many well-paid workers work from their homes, it is the bravery and determination of front-line workers that are keeping our nation moving through the pandemic. That includes grocery store workers, many of whom make barely above minimum wage. At the start of the pandemic, Loblaws guaranteed those workers a $2/hr increase in "hero pay" - a modest increase for people who are literally putting their lives on the line so that we can eat. But Loblaw's cancelled the hero pay when cases declined over the summer of 2021. Now, we face an overwhelming wave of a dangerous new variant, and cases are reaching new heights never before seen in Canada - but not only has Loblaw's refused to reinstate the hero pay, they've instead chosen to increase the amount of money going to their wealthiest shareholders through dividends, and reward their CEOs with bonuses. It couldn't be clearer: Loblaws executives call the work essential but treat the workers as expendable. Call out their greed and demand better. Sign your name to demand Loblaw's reinstate hero pay immediately for the essential heroes keeping food on our tables.
    38,547 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Ellis Picture
  • Doug Ford: Resign For Gross Negligence In A Pandemic
    *UPDATED April 16th, 2021* Ford's response to the pandemic has only gotten worse. In February, as variants of concern (VOC) began to take off, Ford's own doctors predicted a total catastrophe in Ontario if he didn't expand public health protections. Not only did he fail to do so, he actually reduced those protections. The result: Ontario is now facing a completely predictable, completely preventable humanitarian disaster. Other nations, states, even other provinces in Canada have managed to avoid the third wave. Ontario has plunged head-first into one, and the worst is yet to come. Ford's only strategy is to attempt to shift blame and point fingers. It is clear that the only way out of this pandemic is with new leadership. Doug Ford must resign and make way for someone capable of managing an effective public health response to the pandemic. *End of updated text* In early November, Doug Ford introduced new guidelines for COVID restrictions. He claimed to have consulted public health professionals in devising the guidelines. However, the guidelines had thresholds for activation that were *four times higher* than public health doctors had actually called for. In other words: Ford lied, and put all our lives at risk. This latest outrage is the last straw. From the beginning, Ford has mismanaged the pandemic. He's given mixed messages that insist we must keep businesses open yet scolds people for visiting those businesses. He's refused to offer supports for small businesses or employees, passing the buck to the federal government. He's refused to address the crisis in long term care, instead passing the buck to local public health agencies. His "COVID relief bill" does things like interfering in local democracy, and he's rescinded paid sick leave guarantees passed by a previous government. He refused to adequately support schools or to close them when they proved to be vectors for transmission. The result? Under Doug Ford's watch, cases have reached record numbers and every day more people die. This is a crisis of negligence and incompetence and it cannot be tolerated any longer. It's time for Doug Ford to resign.
    1,171 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Ellis Picture
  • Stop All Work at the Site C Dam Now
    The B.C. government must stop throwing good money after bad into the unneeded Site C dam. In July, BC Hydro belatedly admitted that serious geotechnical issues had materialized at Site C and that the fix was unclear. Before any more work continues, and any more of our billions are potentially wasted, the Premier must call for an independent expert review with full public transparency. BC taxpayers and Hydro ratepayers deserve to know what they are paying for. If the independent expert panel finds that this project can't be fixed or that attempted fixes will cost billions more, cancellation of the project must be on the table. These billions can be put to much better use helping families, businesses and all British Columbians to weather the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information on the Site C dam, see https://stopsitec.today/site-c-faq/
    6,839 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Lindsay Brown
  • Seniors minimum income
    The cost to of living far exceeds the payout, especially with rent and groceries.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alyce Thompson
  • Basic Needs Guarantee!
    To maintain a sustainable life style for everybody! Wes PhD
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wesley Fung