Kingston Banks - Stop Funding Climate Chaos!You do business in our community. It is on you to invest in the future of our community, and of our planet, not profit from its destruction. This November, the COP26 UN climate conference in Glasgow will see governments up their ambition on climate action, and the institutions in their respective countries must do the same. Long-term commitments to zero out emissions are vital, but so are the short- and medium-term actions necessary to keep warming under 1.5°C. As one of the world's biggest bankers of climate chaos, you have an outsize responsibility to take immediate action.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeremy Milloy
Withdraw all Grassy Territory from mining and mineral exploration now!A mining company is applying to drill for Gold in Grassy Narrows Territory against Grassy Narrows’ will. This could lead to a dangerous gold mine that would compound the harm that mercury, clearcut logging, hydro dams and residential schools have already done to Grassy Narrows’ lives, lands, and way of life. This violation of Grassy Narrows’ Land Declaration is an important threat to Grassy Narrows’ self-determination, rights and culture. Tell Minister Rickford to deny Trillium Gold’s permit to drill at the Leo Project, and withdraw Grassy Narrows Territory from mining activity. Sign our petition calling on Minister Rickford to withdraw all Grassy Territory form mining and mineral exploration now!7,808 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Free Grassy
Sauvons le versant de Sainte-Julie du mont Saint-Bruno – Déboisement imminentPlus que jamais la destruction de ce milieu est un non-sens pour plusieurs raisons : · Parce que le site visé par ce développement abrite au moins une espèce protégée par la Loi sur les espèces menacées et vulnérables. · Parce que malgré des demandes de citoyens visant à s’assurer que le projet soit basé sur des études récentes, à notre connaissance, les dernières études environnementales effectuées datent de 2012 ; · Parce que ce boisé situé en bordure d’une réserve naturelle agit comme zone tampon du Mont Saint-Bruno. Ce parc de la SEPAQ est sous pression, avec plus d’un million de visiteurs par année. Il est reconnu qu’une plus grande surface de conservation contribuera à sa santé à long terme ; · Pour éviter de créer une cicatrice permanente entre 3 zones protégées : 1) Une Réserve Naturelle au Sud ; 2) Un terrain fédéral qui est l’habitat d’espèces animales en péril, dont la rainette faux-grillon à l’Est et 3) Une zone de conservation appartenant à la ville de Sainte-Julie et menant à l’entrée du parc de la SEPAQ à l’Ouest ; · Par cohérence avec la Politique de l’arbre de la Ville de Sainte-Julie qui mentionne la participation au développement des corridors forestiers ; · Parce que la conception du projet implique la construction d’un deuxième accès pour les services d’urgence, ce qui représente encore plus de déboisement et de destruction de milieux naturels riches en biodiversité ; · Parce que ce projet implique du dynamitage dans le roc, une activité hautement intrusive et destructrice ; · Parce que près de la moitié des quinze (15) résidences de prestige se retrouveraient à moins de 600 mètres de la carrière ce qui ne respecte pas la distance minimale exigée lors de l’installation de nouvelles carrières. · Parce que la ville reconnaît que les coûts sont un défi pour ce projet de quinze (15) maisons, d’un seul côté de rue, qui pourrait s’échelonner sur des décennies pour se réaliser pleinement ; · Pour protéger la santé et le bien-être de nos communautés au lieu de quinze (15) futures résidences de prestige. Pourquoi faut-il agir maintenant ? Depuis trop longtemps, l'aménagement des villes en Montérégie a été planifié de manière non durable, c’est-à-dire au détriment des milieux naturels qui sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus reconnus comme des infrastructures vertes qui rendent d’importants services écosystémiques. Chaque signature recueillie ajoute du poids à nos démarches et démontre la volonté des citoyens pour une préservation saine et nécessaire de nos espaces verts, et plus spécifiquement celui du versant Sainte-Julie du mont Saint-Bruno. En signant, vous ajoutez votre voix pour la préservation, pour la conservation et pour la protection de la nature. Parce que la nature n’a pas de voix si nous ne la défendons pas.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sauvons le versant de Sainte-Julie du mont Saint-Bruno – Comité citoyen
Get Toronto Metrolinx to Replace Ecosystems they DemolishMetrolinx is currently building a fourth GO Train track which is threatening the Williamson Park Ravine in Toronto’s East End. The construction will result in a loss of 300 trees, many of which are over 100 years old. Biodiversity in Toronto is becoming scarce and we cannot allow Metrolinx to destroy what little we have left. Going forward, Metrolinx should consider planting new trees in public spaces throughout Toronto to replace the ones they've destroyed and are currently destroying. Although Metrolinx has claimed they will be replanting for destroying the Williamson Park Ravine, let’s make sure they continue to replant for every environment they ruin in the future.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alicia Rout
LEAVE OUR PRECIOUS OCEANS ALONEJust because the ocean is an unknown quantity to most of us and is being used as a dumping ground for our garbage, doesn't mean that we can ignore the suffering of the creatures and plant life that dwell below. We will have depleted all the fish stocks by around 2043 if we carry on in this manner, overfishing until there's nothing left. Sharks, an apex predator, are having their fins ripped off and are then thrown back into the sea: all for the benefit of those who think shark fin soup will enhance their sex lives.... Remember that tragic movie "The Cove"? Well it's happening all over again..the Japanese village of Taiji is practising horrific dolphin abuse on a grand scale. They are blaming the dolphins for eating the blue fin tuna, worth millions on the open market, when they are the ones who have fished the tuna to the verge of extinction. The only way that the undersea world can recover is if we stop eating fish, stop dumping junk and show a lot more respect for nature.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julie Swann
Urge the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan to stop fuelling the climate crisisThe Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) is fuelling the flames of the climate crisis by investing in the massive expansion of a UK-based airport on treasured greenbelt land. [1] OTPP is one of Canada’s biggest pension funds, and currently owns 100% of Bristol airport. They’re planning to add around 10,400 flights, millions more passengers, and thousands of parking spaces. Local residents, teachers, environmental activists, and even Conservative politicians are speaking out. Last year, renowned climate activist Greta Thunberg joined student protestors as they rallied against the airport expansion. [2] The airport expansion is a carbon bomb: increasing emissions by over 60 per cent to at least 1.6 million tonnes a year. [3] Nearly 10,000 residents have written letters in opposition to the planned expansion and the majority of local politicians and councils have voted against it. While momentum is growing for the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan to abandon the Bristol airport expansion, a flood of local pressure right here in Ontario—led by teachers, students, and people across the province—could convince OTPP to hit the brakes on the climate-killing project. Add your name now. [1] https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/ontario-pension-bristol-airport-climate-change_ca_604a19dbc5b65bed87d8cb99 [2] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/feb/22/greta-thunberg-visit-bristol-youth-climate-protest [3] See [1]502 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Krystina Pucci
National Citizens' Assembly on Climate and Ecological JusticeThe COVID-19 crisis has revealed that swift emergency action and systemic change in the long-term public interest is both necessary and possible. The United Nations has reported that the destruction of nature is the root cause of present and future global pandemics, and the Government of Canada acknowledges that the climate and ecological emergency will contribute to worsening public health crises, including the further spread of infectious diseases. Climate change is rapidly outpacing scientific predictions, and the world is fast approaching tipping points that threaten abrupt and irreversible heating and biodiversity loss. Biodiversity loss and species extinction threaten human food systems. The climate crisis is predicted to lead to catastrophic economic losses and worsening political instability, affecting the most marginalized communities first and foremost. The people of Canada should be able to directly participate in the environmental, economic, social and political decisions which affect their lives and those of future generations. Citizens’ assemblies are representative, democratic instruments well-suited to overcoming political deadlock and addressing complex problems. Citizens’ assemblies produce evidence-based public judgment, and are not equivalent to other forms of public consultation, such as town halls or referendums, which rely solely on the collection of public opinion. Other G7 countries, such as France and the United Kingdom, have created national citizens’ assemblies on climate policy. So has the state of Washington. Since there exists a pre-qualified vendor of record with the Government of Canada, with expertise in the design and delivery of citizens’ assemblies (MASS LBP, masslbp.com), there is no reason for Canada not to do the same.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ian Fryer
Homeless people in brantford we need a shelterI hate seeing people getting judge because they are homless and there nothing in our town to help them. I dont like seeing people sleeping outside in the cold. The students are so scared thinking they want to hurt them and steal there stuff. The police have other important jobs to be doing but they have to deal with the homeless people its so important to me because this is were i grew up and i love my home town. I want to make it safe and fun place to be like when i grew up u could leave your door open and not worry about people walking in. I want to help1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Becca Murchie
Cancel taxpayer subsidies to all industries that emit Greenhouse gasesClimate change is catastrophic, we have to work together to save our planet. There is no planet b. Every industry that does more harm than good, specifically the animal industry and fossil fuel industry, should not be subsidized by taxpayers.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Viral DL
Move the Don Valley Layover FacilityThe Toronto ravine system is a distinctive feature of Canada's largest city that should be protected and celebrated. It has taken decades of political advocacy, community devotion, and legal protections to undo industrial pollution in the ravines. Any development that takes place in this fragile ecosystem has to be done with the utmost caution and care. Spending the money to do it correctly now will save money on restoration efforts later.2,713 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Ellen Goodman
Tree Conservation By-LawHuron County already has a tree-cutting by-law; we should be following their foot-steps. Lambton Shores specifically as well as various areas in Lambton County consist of areas of important natural lands that should be valued highly for its biodiversity, animal habitat, and our own enjoyment/health. We still see farmers trimming away at their native treed woodlots 5 - 10 acres at a time. We understand that farmers feed us, but farmers also need the aid of naturally protected lands and waters to maintain proper biodiversity and pollination to maintain a healthy crop. We all need to look at the bigger picture and work together for the health of ourselves and our lands. A tree-cutting bylaw similar in scope to Huron County should be our goal here in Lambton County and Lambton Shores.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brett Kelch
National Post: It's Time To Retire Rex MurphyOn February 18th, columnist Rex Murphy published an article about the deadly ice storms plaguing Texas. It would be too polite to say that the column is full of lies, because lies contain an implicit admission that there is a different, hidden truth. Rather, Murphy's column is simply a regurgitated spew of false information that Murphy clearly believes to be true. A few examples: - Murphy alleges that the storm in Texas actually *disproves* climate science because, and I quote, "I thought we were not having winter anymore". - He claims that the real reason the grid failed is too much reliance on wind power - in Texas. Experts with actual meaningful information have determined that much of the grid failed, including gas, coal, and even nuclear power plants, and the blackouts were made worse by Texas being disconnected from the national grid (a move that was made to avoid federal safety regulations). - He closes the article by alleging once again that "winter" disproves all of climate science. With the climate crisis raging, Murphy's obvious misinformation is not just frustrating and off target - it's deadly. If Rex Murphy can't be bothered to learn the truth, then he can't be trusted with a public platform. It's time for the National Post to retire Rex Murphy.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Timothy Ellis