PLEASE SHARE 10 SEATS IN ONTARIO- Given current polling numbers, as of mid-May, we risk having a Doug Ford majority government for another four years. - This would make it impossible for us to make progress on climate and other key environmental issues; indeed, we would fall behind even more in key areas of climate action and environmental protection. - The IPCC report states that we have at most 3 years to start declining, drastically, our GHG emissions. - With so much at stake, you can help create a different outcome! - The Green, Liberal and NDP party leaders say they will cooperate after the June 2nd election, but that won't be an option if they don't have enough MPPs elected to collectively form a minority government. - We need these three parties to cooperate BEFORE the election, to ensure they win more seats collectively! They have not done this before, but given the climate crisis we are in, we can't afford to not make this happen. - For this reason, we ask that you sign and send this petition in support of the letter to all three of these party leaders. The letter asks them to strategically share 10 riding election races in ridings where one of their parties is within 10% of the Progressive Conservative candidate, to avoid splitting the vote in those ridings and enable the non-PC candidate to be successful. Thank you!2,296 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Paul Overy
Choose for the future. Tourism over aquaculture.To create a sustainable eco friendly industry so Burgeo thrives for years to come.431 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Tyler Benoit
Equinor: Drop Bay Du Nord and invest in solar and wind energy insteadThe federal government approved Equinor’s Bay Du Nord, a billion-barrel oil drilling megaproject off of Newfoundland. [1] It’s a slap in the face to climate science and a real threat to a climate and economy that is safe and sustainable. But the fight is far from over. Equinor still needs to decide whether to move forward with the project. [2] We have intel that Equinor is particularly sensitive to public pressure — and their AGM is on May 11th. It’s where they show off their achievements to shareholders so you can bet they’ll be wary about any negative attention. [3] If we unleash a flood of public pressure right before their AGM, we could force Equinor to reconsider Bay du Nord, or reckon with global public backlash. Add your name to the open letter now: Dear Equinor and Norwegian Leaders, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) was clear: no more fossil fuel projects can go ahead if we are to meet climate targets. Not only will your proposed Bay du Nord oil drilling project make it impossible for Canada to reach our climate targets, oil drilling puts local land and water ecosystems at risk and could end up as an economic dead end as the world moves away from fossil fuels. People in Canada urge you to do the right thing. Abandon Bay du Nord and invest in wind and solar energy to provide good, sustainable jobs to our communities instead. Sources: [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/bay-du-nord-approval-1.6410509 [2] https://thenarwhal.ca/bay-du-nord-newfoundland-approved/ [3] https://www.equinor.com/where-we-are/canada-bay-du-nord8,162 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Adriana Laurent
Don’t let the oil and gas industry destroy our chance of a liveable and fair futureRight now, we have a key opportunity to change the reckless actions of the oil and gas industry. The federal government is currently looking at a new policy — called an “emissions cap” — that could totally shift the game. [1] If done right, it could actually force oil and gas companies to wind down oil and gas production urgently, in line with the science. But only if it's done right. The oil and gas lobby is already trying to water down the cap on emissions, knowing the threat it represents to their profits. [2] We cannot stay silent. Together, we can show the government that the public demands bold and necessary action to address this climate crisis—and that the era of big oil and gas is over. Sign our petition now. Sources: [1] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/04/its-over-for-fossil-fuels-ipcc-spells-out-whats-needed-to-avert-climate-disaster [2] https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/765 of 800 Signatures
Stop Heavy Industries from Accelerating the Climate Crisis!Climate change is destroying the world piece by piece and taking hundreds of lives with it. Vicious floods and hurricanes, lethal droughts and heat waves, dying coral reefs, horrendous wildfires; these are just a taste of what's in store for the planet and everyone on it if nothing is done. We are in a code red; if action is not taken, it will only get worse and soon be too late! It is critical that bold action is taken now to reverse this catastrophe and one vital step is the transition away from fossil fuels of all kinds. Right now, progress is being made at a snail's pace, with corporations and government not understanding the seriousness of the situation. That's not fast enough! It's time they pick up the pace! My hope is that this campaign will encourage one of the biggest carbon polluters, heavy industries, to jump start their efforts and make real change towards a brighter future. This planet is my home, our home, and I can't just stand by and watch it be destroyed and watch everyone suffer along the way.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gabrielle Schiller
Ban Fossil Fuel Promotion in BC SchoolsIn over 2,000 classrooms province-wide, the FortisBC Energy Leaders curriculum is teaching children that natural gas is a “clean-burning fossil fuel” and a renewable alternative to coal and gas. FortisBC’s curriculum is certifiably false. Scientists consider natural gas a major driver of climate change. In fact, natural gas is on par with coal due to emissions that escape in its extraction process. And not only does FortisBC’s curriculum lie about the devastating climate impacts of natural gas; it also side-steps any discussion of viable energy alternatives like wind or solar, and skips over the devastating health impacts of fracking on communities in B.C. and abroad. The FortisBC curriculum is being peddled to overworked B.C. school teachers via work emails and trade shows, many of whom lack up-to-date educational resources on our province’s energy. This is a system failure. The climate crisis is here, and its impacts are undeniable: destructive flooding, deadly forest fires, and unprecedented heat waves. With the clock ticking down, our education system should be teaching our kids about ways to tackle the climate crisis—not make it worse. The fossil fuel industry has no place in B.C. classrooms. We join with CAPE (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment), who released an open letter this week signed by over 100 health, educator, student, environment and community organizations, to end fossil fuel promotion in the province’s schools. [3] The B.C. government is already feeling the heat—but a massive petition could ramp up the pressure and force them to permanently ban corporate-created curriculum. Sign the petition now! SOURCES [1] https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/sailing-nowhere-liquefied-natural-gas-report.pdf [2] https://cape.ca/action/ban-fossil-fuel-promotion-in-bc-schools/ [3] see [2]3,463 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Katrina Brooke
Support Children in the early years and Teenager’s Mental HealthImproving children's and teenagers mental health in Ontario: Mental health has been around for century's and has continued to affect children and teenagers physical and mental well-being. Research conducted by Garcia & Elliott states that the closures of schools are impacting the learning and retention of previously taught material for children and teenagers. The closures of schools are impacting children’s and teenager’s mental health as they are feeling less confident in their work and feeling a lack of motivation which then creates children and teenagers wanting to give up on life. Perhaps enforcing schools to be open and finding different support systems within the schools, will help improve children’s and teenager’s mental health during covid-19. With schools being closed for a long period of time and now reopening has caused many children and teens feeling depressed and an increase of their anxiety as they don't know what to expect next. There needs to be better support systems for children and teenagers in our Ontario community today, if not it will continue to become worse and nothing will change but the lives of our future children and teens. Lets be the change in our community and use our voices to help support children and teenagers who are suffering in silence with mental health damage inside.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stefanie Swasey
Implement continuous education campaign for newcomers on efficient waste disposal.Changes in the climate have recently become more than obvious. By the end of this century, it is estimated that the Earth's surface temperature will rise by approximately 2°C, having devastating effects on our ecosystems, flora, fauna, and humans. Nature itself is already very fragile, and our attitude is destroying a whole world of living organisms and our very own home. We are residents in one of the neighborhoods within the peel region and our keen observation is that some apartments have a central waste collection point but every time you go there, there is always household waste disposed on the floor, a mixup of recyclable and non-recyclable waste items inside the same bin bag when appropriate and well-labeled refuse bins have been provided. A lot of these negative effects could be improved if humans slightly amended their behavior. By managing waste in a way that avoids landfills and reducing consumption by reusing products, we avoid the creation of unnecessary waste. Nevertheless, by separating and recycling the waste we do create, we could reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfills. The waste that remains would actually be burnt to create energy, meaning less waste or nothing at all is actually sent to landfill. The environmental benefits of a proper waste disposal system are clear. When a person doesn’t dispose effectively of a plastic product or a product that may contain dangerous chemicals, these chemicals can eventually find their way into local water sources and the soil. Proper waste disposal can help preserve our natural environment, and ensure a healthy ecosystem for the long-term future. People need to know about the importance of proper waste disposal to help induce action. The better you are aware of the value and benefits of the good waste practice, the easier and more efficient the desired behavior can be adapted.40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Onyinyechi Duru & Raliat Owolabi OD&RO
Toronto's Waste Reduction InitiativeThe equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic enters our oceans EVERY minute. Plastic is everywhere, destroying our ecosystems by releasing harmful microplastics and contaminating our water bodies. If we want to stop plastic pollution from destroying our environment beyond repair, we need to take action at the local level to push for impactful change. This is why we are calling on Toronto leaders to do their part in the fight against plastic pollution. We can do better. Every year, Toronto uses approximately 215 million plastic bags, which equals 1400 tonnes of plastic waste, adding to our growing body of plastic pollution. Black plastic takeout containers and cutlery are still used extensively, even though black plastic cannot be recycled in Toronto. 54,000 tonnes of recyclable material go to Toronto landfills every year due to contamination. As a city, we have made some progress with Phase 1 of Toronto’s Waste Reduction Strategy by encouraging businesses to reduce single-use takeaway items. But we must take bolder measures to make the necessary reductions in plastic waste that are needed to save our environment for Phase 2. So, we are pushing Toronto City Council to strengthen Phase 2 of its Waste Reduction Strategy. Toronto must ban single-use plastic bags, non-recyclable single-use black plastic, and take steps to gradually phase out single-use water bottle consumption.66 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rhiannon, Fatima, Laya, and Alicia Ryerson Students
Make flood control Salmon FriendlySalmon are dying a death of a thousand cuts. Fish friendly infrastructure investments will allow desperately needed healthy habitat to return. These improvements will provide access to over 250 km of habitat currently impacted by pump stations and flood gates.50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jackie Campbell
Stop environmental racism in Kanehsatà:ke!BIPOC folks bear a disproportionate share of the impacts of pollution in Canada, while being the least responsible for creating it. The dump site in Kanehstatà:ke, which is filled with toxic settler construction waste, is a clear example of what is known as 'environmental racism' and must be cleaned up as soon as possible! **For full disclosure of research and dump data, see the website listed further below on this petition page. This call to action is currently supported by the following organizations across Québec and Canada: 350 Canada 350 Montreal Action cancer du sein du Québec / Breast Cancer Action Quebec Action Environnement Basse Laurentides Amnesty International Canada (English Speaking) Amnistie internationale Canada (francophone) Association des étudiant.e.s diplômé.e.s du département d'histoire de l'Université de Montréal (AÉDDHUM) Association québécoise des médecins pour l'environnement (AQME) Black Environmental Initiative Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment/ Association canadienne des infirmières et infirmiers pour l'environnement (CANE-AIIE) Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Canadian Coalition for Environmental and Climate Justice Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) - Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP) Centre justice et foi CFMS HEART Chrysaliid Design Ciel et Terre Climate Justice Laurier Climate Justice Montreal Climate Pledge Collective Coalition Alerte à l'enfouissement Rivière-du-Nord Coalition Verte / Green Coalition Collectif La ville que nous voulons Com'femme Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain-CSN Créat’heure Éducative David Suzuki Foundation / Fondation David Suzuki DAWN Canada Divest McGill Earth Action Inc. Eau Secours Eco-Art Workshop Program Environmental Defence ENvironnement JEUnesse Extinction Rebellion Québec Fondation Filles d'action / Girls Action Foundation Fridays for Future Toronto Front commun pour la transition énergétique Front commun québécois pour une gestion écologique des déchets (FCQGED) Gidimt'en Checkpoint GreenFaith Montreal Groundswell Projects Ilot centre de crise de laval Indigenous Climate Action Indigenous Land Defence Across Borders Intre-G Productions KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives L'R des centres de femmes La CEVES Le Collectif Soignons la justice sociale/The Caring for Social Justice Collective Les enjeux de l'insecticide Bti sur la biodiversité MARE (Mouvement d'action régional en environnement) Mères au front Mères au front Rosemère et les environs Mères au front de Rouyn-Noranda et leurs alié.e.s Mères au Front Vaudreuil Soulanges Montreal Quaker Meeting Mouvement d'éducation populaire autonome de Lanaudière (MÉPAL) Mouvement d'éducation populaire et d'action communautaire du Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean (MEPAC) Mudgirls Natural Building Collective Mutant Akademy / Revolt Motion Nature Canada Nature Hudson No More Silence Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace OPIRG Toronto Organisation of Urban Planning Students at McGill People's Health Movement Canada - Mouvement populaire pour la santé au Canada Planners Network-Montreal Chapter Pour le futur Montréal Pour Nos Enfants / For Our Kids Montréal Prevent Cancer Now Projet accompagnement solidarité Colombie Quit RBC / Lâche RBC Ralliement contre la pollution radioactive RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) Raven Knits Design Recherche Indépendante de retraité.e.s en Écologie Regroupement d'éducation populaire en action communautaire des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches Regroupement écocitoyen de Sainte-Marthe-sur-Le-Lac Relais-femmes Research for the Front Lines Réseau Alternatif et Communautaire des Organismes (RACOR) en santé mentale de l'île de Montréal Réseau d'action des femmes en santé et services sociaux Réseau des femmes des Laurentides Réseau des Tables régionales de groupes de femmes du Québec Réseau Québecois Action Santé Femmes (RQASF) Save Fairview Forest - Sauvons la Forêt Fairview Seniors For Climate Action Now! SCAN! Sierra Club Québec Small Change Fund SOS territoire Stand.Earth Table de concertation de Laval en condition féminine Table de concertation du mouvement des femmes de la Mauricie Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal Table régionale des organismes volontaires d'éducation populaire (TROVEP) de Montréal Table ronde des OVEP de l'Estrie (TROVEPE) The Environmental Noxiousness, Racial Inequities and Community Health Project True North Insight - Voie boréale Union paysanne Voix juives indépendantes - Montréal Women's Healthy Environments Network8,298 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Louis Ramirez
Respect First Nations Treaties for Community SurvivalThis grotesque, untimely and out of scale development might be have been possible 20 years ago, but now it is clearly destructive to the River and landscape which makes the area unique. It is disrespectful of First Nations eons of care for the land and waters. It disregards local settler communities and their heritage village. And it sets a precedent for development and pollution along the banks of the Grand to Lake Erie.47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eimear O'Neill