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To: Ontario PC Party

Midwives are essential

Dear MPs
Please reinstate Annual operational grant to Ontario College of Midwives.
The cut of $750k looks punitive and unfair when you take into consideration that the current government is challenging the the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal who ruled against you in pay equity in September. Do what's right - ensure that there are enough midwives to provide the pre- and post- natal services for mothers to be and the future of this province.

Why is this important?

Saving the lives of Mothers and babies by continued sustainable funding for regulated education. Midwifery is not a business, it is an essential service. Fees for continued registration and education should not be a barrier to entry or continued employment. The provincial annual operational grant has been in place for 25 years because previous governments have recognized the importance of midwifery.

"Midwives really do shoulder a proportionally higher burden of professional fees through our regulatory college to begin with," Elizabeth Brandeis, president of the Association of Ontario Midwives,... "So this cut of government support really does put that extra burden on midwives."

Many women prefer to have a midwife than a doctor for prenatal and after birth care and there aren't enough midwives in Ontario. Midwives provide 6 weeks of support after the birth as well. They monitor the health of baby and mother after birth as well as coach with breast feeding and other newborn needs.

As a mother of two I am very grateful that I was able to have a midwife for both pregnancies and births. The prenatal care was incredible, and even though there were complications in deliveries, each delivery was amazing and calm because of my midwives. They are skilled and able to deal with any issues as they are specialists.

For postnatal care my midwife visited my home several times to check on how things were going. Then after the initial few weeks there were weekly visits to the clinic to check on baby and mother. She gave me the support, coaching, and information I needed that made me feel that everything was going ok.

From CBC "there is already far greater demand for services than the province's 956 registered midwives can provide. "We know upward of 25 to 40 per cent of people who want to have a midwife can't currently access a midwife." "The combination of inequitable pay and higher professional dues really does create a tremendous stress on midwives." - Elizabeth Brandeis , president of the Association of Ontario Midwives

This is a retrograde step for Ontario, while Alberta is leading the way "The loss of government funding in Ontario is in stark contrast to a boost for midwifery announced earlier this week by the Alberta government."; Alberta has also increased funding for midwifery services by $11 million over the last three years, bringing the total to $49 million.



2020-06-10 16:04:32 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-06-06 16:11:05 -0400

10 signatures reached