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To: Mayor and Council of CITY NAME

Local Mayor and Council: Reject Ford’s crackdown on the houseless community: Mark Sutcliffe

Ottawa mayor and council, reject Ford’s crackdown on the houseless community. 

Why is this important?

Premier Doug Ford tabled draconian and callous legislation that will criminalize people for not having a home — and he is ready to override the courts to make it happen. 

This bill will give cities more power to increase policing and forcibly dismantle encampments — when people have nowhere else to go. 

Community advocates and experts have come out against it: this legislation doesn't get to the root of the issue — it will just land more people in jails, cost millions of dollars and spread encampments to new places. 

Already some cities have started to speak out against it. If more cities reject Ford’s brutal legislation and demand Ford provide real solutions to the housing crisis, it could force Ford to back down. 

A wave of local campaigns calling on local mayors and city councils to come out against Ford's draconian legislation could help tip the scale. Sign the petition to your city’s mayor and council demanding they reject Ford’s crackdown on the houseless community.  
110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1R 6K9, Canada

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2024-12-22 21:10:15 -0500

50 signatures reached

2024-12-19 08:55:48 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-12-18 16:24:12 -0500

10 signatures reached