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To: Mayors and councils of Greater Victoria (current & aspiring)

Greater Victoria Urgently Needs Homes for All

Everyone deserves a home within their community. And we can see that the housing crisis in our region is getting worse and not better. More and more people, from workers, students and people with disabilities to seniors and families - are being impacted by the housing and homelessness crisis.

Municipalities play an important role in facilitating non-profit and affordable housing and we need all levels of government using every tool in their toolbox to address the critical need for more housing. And we need to take care of those most vulnerable with new non-profit and affordable housing, while preserving existing stock.

It’s going to take everyone working together to solve this spiraling crisis. That’s why we’re asking all current and aspiring mayors and councils in our beautiful region to embrace a human rights approach to housing, and to lead by committing to bold, climate-friendly policies that preserve and create new non-profit and affordable housing for all of our neighbours.

We urge you to work with other levels of government and non-profit housing agencies to pursue the following actions:

1. Acquire or preserve land for affordable & social housing.
2. Build affordable* & social housing.
3. Prioritise housing for the unhoused.
4. Protect renters.
5. Increase allowable density and prioritise approvals for affordable non-profit housing.
6. Integrate affordable housing with affordable low-carbon transportation.

We call on you to commit to the actions above, and all you can do in your power to uphold housing as a human right.

(*Affordable is defined as 30% or less of pre-tax household income for all housing costs, or: 45% of pre-tax income for housing + transportation)

Why is this important?

It takes a lot of people to counter the prevailing pressures that have gotten us to this place. Thankfully, so many people in this region are joining the call to prioritise affordable and non-profit housing. If we stay silent and fail to act urgently and boldly now, we will continue to see a loss of families and diversity in our communities. We will continue to see increasing hardship in our streets and parks.

We are a wealthy province and country. Working together with purpose and courage, we can build communities that provide homes for all.



2022-09-15 23:43:20 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-09-15 18:17:57 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-09-15 16:26:43 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-09-15 16:00:34 -0400

10 signatures reached