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To: Premier Wynne and Prime Minister Trudeau

Clean up the mercury that's poisoning Grassy Narrows' water

I call on you to clean up Grassy Narrows’ river and cancel plans for logging, which are unwanted by the community and could release more mercury in Grassy Narrows Territory.

More than 45 years after mercury dumping came to light, Grassy Narrows’ Wabigoon river remains one of the most contaminated in Canada. I am shocked to learn nothing has ever been done to clean the river that supplies fish and water to this community.

It is time to make things right in Grassy Narrows.

Why is this important?

Scientists tell us that Grassy Narrows’ river, their lifeblood, can be made safe again. We should seize this momentous opportunity.

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The provincial and federal governments are talking of forging a new relationship with aboriginal peoples. This requires righting outstanding wrongs, something that is an urgent imperative in Grassy Narrows.

Ontario and Canada must take decisive action to resolve the ongoing legacy of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows, and all other outstanding issues. This includes apologizing, cleaning the river, providing state of the art care for mercury survivors, adequate compensation for all who have been impacted, and establishing a Grassy Narrows run environmental health monitoring station.

To ensure that this never happens again we must respect Grassy Narrows' decisions for their territory. Never again should harmful decisions be imposed on Grassy Narrows people and the territory that they depend on.



2016-05-31 11:47:24 -0400

50 signatures reached

2016-05-31 11:26:28 -0400

25 signatures reached

2016-05-31 11:17:19 -0400

10 signatures reached