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To: Citizens of the Montreal region and all Quebecers who are affected

A new terminal planned at Montréal-Trudeau: say NO with Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau

We, the undersigned, call on Transport Canada, the owners of the premises, and the Government of Canada, responsible for the safety and health of citizens, to immediately prohibit any expansion at Montréal-Trudeau Airport.

Why is this important?

As things currently stand, thousands of people are affected by hundreds of low-altitude aircraft passages. Every day. Day and night. Each plane passage disturbs the airport's neighbors and the people who live under the air corridors. Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) allows air movements between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., which harms the sleep of thousands of people.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has scientifically established that this nighttime aerial activity causes illness in the people who undergo it. A new terminal and its 10 boarding gates mean a greater number of planes in Montreal's skies. That mean more noises and more nuisance. Without forgetting air pollution, which has also been documented by Montreal scientists.


2024-12-28 19:42:18 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-12-23 20:34:24 -0500

We are near Christmas. On behaf of Les Pollués de Montréal-Trudeau I wish to thank all the persons who signed the petition. Thank your very much.
This petition is an asset. It help Les Pollués to get the attention of the medias.
Please, help Les Pollués by spreading the news of the existence of this petition on Leadnoww or via the Les Pollués website

2024-12-23 10:48:55 -0500

10 signatures reached