唐人街關注組 Chinatown Concern Group
唐人街關注組 Chinatown Concern Group
We are a group of Chinatown residents and community members that came together out of concern of how gentrification is threatening the social and cultural fabric of Chinatown and ultimately threatening Chinatown’s future for its Chinese working-class community.
Our work centers on Chinese-speaking working-class residents of Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside and how their livelihoods are negatively impacted by gentrification. Together, we organize, seeking to build the power of the Chinese working-class in Chinatown in the fight to protect the community we love and to ensure that Chinatown is an affordable, livable, and thriving community for working-class people.
More about us:
網站 Website: https://chinatownconcerngroup.wordpress.com
『臉書』網頁 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chinatownconcerngroup/
登記於我們的電郵通訊 Subscribe to our Email List: http://eepurl.com/bJ5yqT
齊來參與唐人街關注組 Get Involved with CCG: http://wp.me/P5U2hU-eA