• Save Fish Lake
    In a shocking move, on the eve of the transfer of power, while four of six Tsilhqot’in communities are evacuated due to raging wildfires, and while the communities have engaged in brave efforts to fight for their very survival, the Clark led British Columbian government has granted controversial drilling permits over the objections of the Tsilhqot’in. The Nation is outraged that the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines has issued permits to allow Taseko Mines Ltd. to conduct extensive pre-construction exploration for the New Prosperity mine proposal. This mine cannot be built. It was rejected twice by the Harper-era Federal Government in 2010 (Prosperity) and 2014 (New Prosperity) due to strong opposition by the Tsilhqot’in Nation and unacceptable environmental and cultural impacts. Chief Russell Myers Ross- “I am speechless at the timing of this insulting decision. It defies compassion that while our people are fighting for our homes and lives, BC issues permits that will destroy more of our land beyond repair. As a Nation, we have wasted enough time and energy in conflict. The project has been rejected twice federally. It is time to move on. As Tsilhqot'in, we are moving forward by establishing the Dasiqox Tribal Park based on our governance and values. The Provincial decision to permit further drilling is insulting. It demonstrates a serious attack on meaningful reconciliation. It is our responsibility to protect Nabas for our future generations.” Chief Joe Alphonse- "This is a typical move by the Liberal government. They are a dead political party trying to mount a dead horse and hoping to ride it to a come back." To learn more watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwjCeWF4rfM
    8,382 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Tsilhqot'in National Government
  • Stop the turtle massacre!
    Faced with shrinking habitats, more and more turtles are forced to cross busy highways, where they’re getting slammed by oncoming traffic. Ontario’s turtles are already endangered, and unless government steps in this problem could keep getting worse. The Ontario turtle trauma centre is doing all it can by operating on as many injured turtles as possible, but they’re bursting at the seams and can’t keep up with the volume of turtles coming in with cracked shells, fractured heads, and other life threatening injuries. Underpasses allow turtles to avoid the risk of fatal injury. We need them across the province, starting in areas conservationists say are the most urgent.
    622 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
    Any animal on the planet should be given help and care and we as a society we should be helping any animal that needs our help. Its the right thing to do. Not capture any new ones, but be there to help, learn and train vets, etc and provide a safe home if needed. If the animal can be rehabilitated it should be released...that is a given, but on a case by case basis with oversight from all parties, can we not do what is best for these magnificent intelligent animals and provide compassion?
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Percival
  • Tell TD: Dump Kinder Morgan
    Kinder Morgan is short on cash, and desperately needs investors to back their Trans Mountain project — a dirty tarsands pipeline that would threaten BC’s coast with oil spills and facilitate a massive increase in climate pollution from the tarsands. [1-2] They’ve hired TD Bank to broker talks with pension funds and banks, searching for backers to bail out their struggling pipeline plan. [3] TD invests millions in branding themselves as a friendly and socially responsible bank, and they don’t want their brand associated with environmental destruction. A massive petition could show TD that supporting the Kinder Morgan pipeline could damage their brand and cost them customers. The company won’t do anything that they think will hurt their bottom line, so if we can make this campaign huge, it could work. We'll be delivering this petition at TD's shareholder meeting on Thursday. Will you add your name right now? [1] Exclusive: Kinder Morgan starts talks with investors for $5.2 billion Canada pipeline project: Sources (Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/article/us-kinder-morgan-de-canada-financing-exc-idUSKBN15W20W [2] The Kinder Morgan Pipeline (Greenpeace). http://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/campaigns/Energy/tarsands/Kinder-Morgan-pipeline/ [3] Kinder Morgan Pipeline: tarsands oil to and from our coast (Raincoast). https://www.raincoast.org/trans-mountain-pipeline/
    24,535 of 25,000 Signatures
  • Return Kinder Morgan's donations
    Kinder Morgan and their backers donated more than $771,000 to the BC Liberals, before Christy Clark approved their TransMountain pipeline. With an election just weeks away, the BC Liberals want the political donation scandal to end. If enough of us sign the open letter, we can force them to choose: Return Kinder Morgan's money, or watch this scandal continue to grow.
    172 of 200 Signatures
  • Stop Woodfibre LNG
    Howe Sound is magical. Visitors and locals alike are drawn here by its wild natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and the vibrant communities we call home. However, Howe Sound is under threat from Woodfibre LNG, which proposes to construct and operate a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility on the previous Woodfibre Pulp and Paper Mill site located approximately 7 km west-southwest of Squamish. Why is Woodfibre LNG a problem? The project is owned by Sukanto Tanoto, an Indonesian billionaire that has been found guilty of tax evasion and human rights violations. LNG tanker traffic puts Howe Sound residents, Vancouver residents, and Victoria residents at risk, and the potential conflict between recreational sailors and LNG tankers has not been adequately addressed. Increased local air pollution will affect human health, particularly the elderly and kids with asthma. Underwater noise and light pollution will affect salmon migration routes, herring, and marine mammals. Locally, Woodfibre LNG will create nearly double the greenhouse gas emissions of all of Squamish. Woodfibre LNG's local and upstream greenhouse gas emissions are equivalent to adding 170,000 cars to the road. If Woodfibre LNG goes ahead, it will result in 24 new fracking wells per year in northeast B.C. My Sea to Sky is aiming to double the number of signatures we have on the Howe Sound Declaration by March 31st, so we can make Woodfibre LNG a provincial election issue. Please sign the Howe Sound Declaration now and ask your friends and family to sign too.
    11,117 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Tracey Saxby
  • TD Bank: My money is not for DAPL
    TD Bank should be transparent in what it does with the money of its customers. I have deposited my hard earned money at TD Bank for many years and only recently discovered that TD Bank is using my money to support DAPL
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Hill
  • Kitimat Terrace Clean Air Petition
    Since the Rio Tinto modernization, the province has given the Kitimat smelter permission to increase Sulphur Dioxide emissions from 27 tonnes per day up to 42 tonnes per day. The citizens of Kitimat and Terrace want the highest standard of air quality for human health and the environment. To achieve this, we need the commitment of the next Provincial Government to require Rio Tinto to install scrubbers. This technology is in many other aluminum smelters around the world and is environmentally safe.
    206 of 300 Signatures
  • Defend Our Airshed
    Message from a Kamloops Mom: Closing the door has cut the volume, but it doesn't mask each new chorus of chest-ripping coughs. I stand outside my daughter's bedroom, wincing and thinking about what can be done to shine a light on air pollution in the upcoming May 9th provincial election. I never thought I would find myself here. When my youngest was just 3 years old, every time she walked along a busy roadway for even 10 minutes, or was exposed to wood smoke in our neighbourhood, she would develop a persistent cough, lasting between 2 weeks and 2 months. It would always start the same way, with the sound of violent hacking over a number of restless nights. She was diagnosed with mild asthma. We wondered, “Is this something that she will grow out of? If we put her on a puffer, will she ever get off again?” During wildfire seasons and times of the year when people want to cozy-up next to their fireplace, I have become a parent who sniffs the air before letting my girls out to play. Now, more than ever, I am aware of how changes in our air quality affect our citizens' health and ultimately, our quality of life. Poor air quality can negatively affect pregnant moms and their developing babies, as well as children, the elderly and athletes. Particles in our air (small enough to have 30 of them fit across the tip of a hair) from things like exhaust and wood smoke, are actually small enough to move from our lungs into our bloodstream. When it comes to making decisions about what we put into the air, there are some things that we all can do. Our children will breathe whatever those decisions are. When we vote on May 9, 2017, the outcome will directly affect the next generation of citizens growing up in our airshed. I will be voting for a candidate who recognizes that our airshed is something worth defending, both for the quality of life of all citizens, but especially for children who depend on us and our decisions. I hope you'll join me in considering this as well, when you vote on May 9th.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kamloops Moms For Clean Air
  • It’s time Canada ends fossil fuel subsidies
    Canada has to take action now to end its unfair and polluting subsidies to oil, gas, and coal companies. Canada's $3.3 billion in fossil fuel subsidies undermine the Paris Agreement’s climate change goals, and they even counteract attempts to put a price on carbon. Trying to put a price on carbon while still subsidizing fossil fuel production is like pouring water on the fire with one hand, while spraying gasoline on it with the other. It just doesn't make sense. The Trudeau government can act immediately with a commitment and a plan to get rid of these subsidies by 2020. Four years is more than enough time to wind down polluter handouts. Instead of subsidies that favour the wealthy, we need public investment that helps us move more quickly to sustainable solutions. Let’s put an end to fossil fuel subsidies.
    1,225 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alex Doukas Picture
  • Tell Rebel Media you support Canadian businesses who endorse climate action
    It is up to each of us to risk backlash over staying silent on an issue that affects all of us. In case you missed it... Yesterday, TELUS sent out a simple tweet supporting climate action by the Government of Canada. Rebel Media decided to use it against the company, encourage a social media backlash, insult its Chief Sustainability Officer, and gather 5,000 signatures on a petition that encourages people to Cancel their TELUS services solely because of its support for climate action. As a result, the company has had to retreat back into the dark cave of PR damage control, apologize for its statement, delete the tweet, and deal with competitors trying to steal customers who express disagreement on social media. We keep talking about how we need our corporations and institutions to rise above, to take a courageous stance on the issues that matter most, and to care about more than just their own financial sustainability. I work at TELUS but am speaking as a Canadian: we cannot allow a few people to use the 'power' of social media to discourage big companies from acting on one of the biggest issues of our time that will affect our children, grandchildren, and generations to come. Here are a few facts: - Telus isn’t the only big company inside Smart Prosperity or the only firm backing carbon pricing - Loblaws, RBC and Tembec are all members of the environmental coalition - Ahead of the global agreement in Paris on carbon emissions last year, major global companies issued a call for carbon pricing systems. BP plc, Royal Dutch Shell pls, Statoil ASA and Total SA were among the firms who called for pricing - Top oil sands firm Suncor Energy also supports carbon pricing, though they haven’t released a statement on the new federal plan. The Mining Association of Canada has also stated its support for carbon pricing SIGN the petition NOW and let's show Rebel Media what Canadians really believe and stand for.
    1,056 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hamoon Ekhtiari
  • Define one metre as the minimum clearance to overtake a bicycle in British Columbia
    WHEREAS a motor vehicle overtaking a cyclist with less than one metre of clearance presents substantial threat to the cyclist; WHEREAS the City of Vancouver has adopted a goal for zero traffic fatalities as part of its Transportation 2040 plan, the city of North Vancouver has endorsed Vision Zero, and the British Columbia road safety strategy acknowledges Vision Zero; WHEREAS similar laws have already been passed in 17 U.S. states and 2 Canadian provinces; WHEREAS cyclists (in particular young or less experienced cyclists) may lose control when passed too closely. Larger vehicles at higher speeds may generate a wind gust which causes cyclists to lose control. WHEREAS Statistics from ICBC consistently indicate 1,500 cyclists are injured each year in crashes; THEREFORE, we petition the British Columbia department and Minister for Transportation pass legislation amending the Motor Vehicle Act which would require motorists to give 1 metre of clearance when overtaking a cyclist below 50 km/h, and 1.5 metres when travelling faster than 50 km/h.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nic Waller Picture